Cd cover battle so far thing

i dunno if your supposed to do this or not or whatever but this is my cd cover battle cover thing so far
tell me what ya think

thats pretty cool.

i saw finch last year at leeds festival… there pretty decent… although i got my eye cut open…

still cool memories.

wow man very cool

thanks dippy and starpromo

This is going to be an intense battle! There are so many different people and different styles!

yeah its gonna be so awesome, so many people are gonna be in it, i cant wait to see what comes out of it

i like it

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

hey thats shweet! :), i want to join to and try my best, you know see how good i can use my skills in adobe , lol i should really get illustrator :wink:

thans alex
yeah matrix you should join
this is gonna be so cool with so many people

do we submit our pic in this thread?

nope… go to battle and it should be the first thread… read the rules and stuff first

Hi, can some one tell me how to enter? I will be very interested!! Thank you

Go to the battle forum and post in the CD cover battle… It’s one of the first few threads
just ask if you can join, there shouldnt be reason you cant… also you could try contacting reverend flash… since he set it up