What do you think ? – its for a CD of African music , incorporating trance, soul, jazz, funk, choral singing, etc… ( Very wide target audience, and the design needs to speak to all target markets)
I like it a lot Pixi
I was thinking though, perhaps move the center of the rays beyind the hill that has the tree on it ? So it would look more like a sunrise/sunset, not rays coming from some point in nowhere
I like it. Personally I could do without the white box (upper right) containing the album title. To me, it seems a little redundant since it is already lower left. Fantastic design though. I love the symbols rising from the trees. Not sure if it is what you’re going for but to me it suggests ‘musical offerings’ being lifted up. Good job
Oooh I love designs like this. Makes me wish I a) had the software and b) was talented at designing.
Good job.
Great colours, nice overall design. I like it!
A small note: Personally, I’d move the sunrays down. So it looks more like sunrise/sunset, like Voetsjoeba said.
like the colours, agree with voets on moving the rays, and theres something that everyones missed I think
the 3 guys on the left. The one on the far left looks like he’s performing a headnutting the nuts of the guy next to him (whos upside down walking on his hands)…perhaps a different pose/position for these guys
but yeah think it passes an african, ethnic answer (bright & colorful)…not sure it 100% sells the music angle but I still think it does the job and spectaculary if I may say so
well done :thumb:
this is REALLY nice man!
i dissagree, i think the burst is in the right spot. putting it in the middle would totally take away from the sunset feel of the whole thing.
i really like the mix of “techie” looking graphics mixed with more natural organic graphics. you totally did what you needed to do for this project.
i don’t love the white tab on the top right either. it seems too hard compared to the rest of the design. not to mention that the logo isn’t completely centered in that tab. also, you already have the title at the bottom left… why muck up the beauty of your work with that white tab???
as far as the Headnutting goes, hahaha, maybe you could just space those dancin’ dudes a little further apart??
It’s got just the right feel. If I saw that in a shop i would definately pick it up.
haha, yea very nice… I actually like the burst like that though.
aside from that…
yea… should do sth about that ;):hitman:
its trendy, i like the effect on the background that kinda makes it look ‘aged’
Im not liking the ‘+’ signs right now. I think they orginated as design element in Switzerland (someone correct me if Im wrong) and they look out of place IMO. I really like the dancers on the left, but they seem kinda hidden.
i think the plus signs make sence because of the styles of music that are on the CD.
The guys on the left are doing Capoeira, since the cd should appeal to a wide range of people that don’t necessarily know what that is, perhaps a better pose for each character where one would be doing an L-kick into the other’s face or the other can be ducking while the 3rd is playing the music. I like where the sunburst is too. May’be do something w/the space at the top?
i agree with the sunburst being moved down:)
that is pretty nice work man:thumb:i love it!
very nice pixi… love the colors you have used… and like those men too
i guess i just don’t understand the purpose of the white box. i agreed w/rabbell about the poses for the outlines.
other than that, i think it’s bangin’. nice work.
Nice but to trendy. This sort of piece has been done before - over and over again. If I have to see one more aged sun burst I think I’m going to be sick.
Don’t get me wrong the feel and compostition is nice - but not original at all!
I like the overall look, but I’m not feeling the vector art of the x’s or +'s and the circles … when I think African I don’t think vector stuff or flat shapes like that … possibly some other art you could put there … otherwise good stuff and I agree with most of the posts above, especially the one about the dudes in the left where one looks like he is headbutting the other dude’s groin …
Nice all the same! :thumb:
Awsome…just awsome, if i was doing that i would remove the white box and put the “Z” logo above the name in the corner
[ot]how do you do the background effects? is there any tut’s about?[/ot]
put the “z” logo above the name in the corner
Excellent idea. Above or to the left of.