CDATA to pass HTML via XML into flash

My apologies if this has already been answered, but its driving my up the wall how HARD it still is for flash to even import data. It’s amazingly annoying trying to convert data into XML and than be readble by flash, why can’t macromedia be ‘normal’ and have some connector that can directly connect to a SQL database, how annoying!!

Anyway enough about my rant…

I have a WYSIWYG html editor on my website that generates flash readable HTML code and we use PHP to store the information that is generated as a .xml file to be readable by our flash file. The data is passed via XML but trying to get the HTML tags through without the XML parser thinking its XML and interfering, and I’ve managed to research find the CDATA tag to pass information in (please note, i dont know much XML, just basics to get it to work) but it doesn;t work!!

When I try to HTML code that is wrapped in the CDATA than it just shows as “null” on my flash file, but if i remove the CDATA tag and put in simple text it seems to work ok! even if i put in

<b>you better work, ■■■■ you!</b> this part is not bold, but doesnt show anyway

than the part in bold shows as bold but anything after that has disappeared

Any ideas how I can effeciently put HTML into flash and get flash to successfully render it as HTML?!? Please note I’ve already used a .txt file unsucessfully and it seems to have LOTS of issues with special characters

Any working examples? Can i get source code?