Centered Pop-Up Window with local files

Hello, on this site I found a tutorial on how to do a centered pop-up window. Although I found this to be very helpful I just wondered how you would do this with just local files (not on the web). Or is that impossible?

Thank you.

Well it is possible, but only you will be able to see them, so it is pointless :-\

Your files must be on a server, so if you are not using your computer as your own personal server, then your files aren’t open for others to view.

Thank you for the reply, but all I want to do is make it for a cdrom, not putting them on the web at all.

So again, is this possible?

Oh, alrighty then. Yes it is possible. The same way you would link to the files on a server.

Just the filename if it is in the same directory.

folderName/fileName if it is in a folder in the same directory

etc, etc.


I tried that but it just came up as an empty page. Maybe Im just doing it wrong.

Hmm… interesting.

Can you show us the code you are using and how you have your URL set up?

And what kind of file are you loading into the window?