hello all,
where just a post to have some critics on my futur online portofolio…
It’s just a start, merely done 20% still would like to have your advices.
hello all,
where just a post to have some critics on my futur online portofolio…
It’s just a start, merely done 20% still would like to have your advices.
nice keep it up… bit plane.
The site is allready nice, I see you have some feeling for designing.
I’m hoping till the full version comes out, but this one was allready nice.
And if I have to give comments give your first page a title, now it’s says untitled document, seems noobish, even when site is 20% done.
What I like on this untitled page is the little screen with text it’s cool. Nice fonts you used there.
I can’t tell you more because site is not ready yet and there isn’t many comments you can give more.
But good work !!!
thx peewe for the advice, seemed that something was missing at the untitled page
Well been working slowly but surely, have completed the guestbook and contact pages, and brought some update on the rest.
Tell me what u think…
I really like this page…you are very talented.
One thing that I noticed…make sure the spacing between your navigation is all uniform teet busts out his ruler…i think the “services” button is too far to the left.
Also, there seems to be some dead space up top where the profile of the lady’s head is…maybe you could come up with something to help fill the space?
Finally, there is something that I don’t like about the splash page. For some reason, it has a real “newbie” feel to me (which you certainly aren’t!). I think that it might look better with a different font on the “Syle is not about price…” and the “Enter” buttons. Maybe I’m just crazy.
Overall, I really like your site though. It is very clean and professional. On a side note, I was wondering what you did to the little flashtrak player to make it start playing automatically when the page loaded? I’ve been wondering how to do that for a while.
thx tweet for reply…alwayslike to have some advices
for the ladie’s face, i a, still trying to find an idea to fill the space, don’t worry, i could not leave that much space empty
I’ll try a different splash page animation, it’s true the more i look at it, the more i want to cjange it.
Regarding the flash track, i tweaked a little bit the code… not home right now, but i’ll send u the exact code i used tomorrow if it can help you…
thanks man, that would be great!
Hello, so here it is teet, the code i used on the flash trackplayer.
Just paste this code on the mc that contains the buttons, it sould work, at least wokred for me
onClipEvent (load) {
tellTarget ("…/load") {
tellTarget ("…/") {
…/:status = “play”;
hope this helped you out
see u
thanks for the help…i’m still new at flash and am quite actionscript illiterate
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