CGI script

Hi people, this is my first e-mail form ever, anyway my web-host was no help. they gave me a link to the script the want me to use here.
can anyone help me place this script? i created a form in Flash see it here
i just need to what parts of this script do i need for flash.

thanks mack :jail:

i took your advice and did the kirupa php tutorial,didn’t work for me. could someone take a look? :-/ please.go here

please someone take a look

make sure your host supports php, you have the php file in the same directory as the swf, and you double check the code. If you post the fla I can take a look.

oh yeah, here’s the site
and the form loads into the main window.

I’d have to see some code or if possibl your fla.

here you go
it’s the php folder. thanks

looks like your send button is within the form movieclip. Try it with the send button on the main timeline like it says to do in the tut. The form mc should only contain the textfields. Also, your host does support php?

ah yeah, it works thanks dru_nasty :smiley:

:thumb: NP