Change loadURL to loadMovie?

I found this menu in the forum…can somebody help me in changing the scripts getURL to loadMovie.
I m done with all my swf’s …i m so close and this is giving me lemons!!!:crazy:

colortitle = 0x999999;
colorsubtitle = 0xF7F7F7;
texttitle = new TextFormat();
texttitle.color = 0xFFFFFF;
textsubtitle = new TextFormat();
textsubtitle.color = 0x575757;
subtitles = [[“Mission”, “Vision”, “Goals”, “TSI Team”, “Awards”], [“Telecomm”, “Wireless”, “Security”, “Consulting”, “Web” ]];
URL_subtitles = [[“mission.swf”, “Test2.html”], 0, [“Test3.html”, “Test4.html”, “Test5.html”], [“Test6.html”]];
positionor = [100, 121];
//The position of the menu
distance = 25;
//The distance between the menu-items
offset = 10;
//Horizontal offset between the titles and subtitles
// ---------------------
function createtitlebars() {
for (i=0; i<titles.length; i++) {
this.attachMovie(“bar”, “bar”+i, i);
mc = eval(“bar”+i);
mc._x = _root.positionor[0];
mc.test.text = titles*;
myColoredObject = new Color(;
mc.old_pos = i*_root.distance+_root.positionor[1];
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
new_pos = (Number(this._name.substr(-1))<=_root.selected) ? this.old_pos : this.old_pos+_root.subtitles[_root.selected].length*_root.distance;
this._y += (new_pos-this._y)/3;
mc.onRelease = function() {
num = Number(this._name.substr(-1));
//specify the actions for the titles like this
if (num == 1) { //0 is the first button, 1 the second,…
//getURL(“URLforsecondtitle.html”, “_blank”);
if (pressed) {
if (_root.selected == num) {
_root.selected = titles.length;
pressed = false;
} else {
_root.selected = num;
} else {
pressed = true;
_root.selected = num;
function createsubtitlebars(num) {
for (i=0; i<_root.subtitles[num].length; i++) {
_root.attachMovie(“bar”, num+“subbar”+i, i-100);
mc = eval(num+“subbar”+i);
mc._y = _root[“bar”+num]._y;
// y-position from where it has to fly in
//you can change this to a number like 200
mc._x = _root.positionor[0]+_root.offset;
// x-position from where it has to fly in
//you can change this to a number like 200
mc.test.text = subtitles[num];
myColoredObject = new Color(;
mc.old_pos = _root.distance
mc.num = num;
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
new_alpha = (this.num != _root.selected) ? 0 : 100;
this._alpha += (new_alpha-this._alpha)/3;
this._y += (this.old_pos-this._y)/3;
this._x += (_root.positionor[0]+_root.offset-this._x)/3;
mc.onPress = function() {
_root.gotoAndStop(_root.URL_subtitles[this.num][Number(this._name.substr(-1))], “_blank”);