Linking SWF files from the dynamic menu buttons

I m down on my last nerve trying to figure this …i found this file on the forum.
If somebody can help on these question on the following it would be moooor than helpful.
Q1. i m trying to load swf’s into a container. How do i change this code to load in a container

2.) the code , to my sparse understanding, gives links only to the main buttons and not to any of tyhe childs( subtitle). How to modify to get those working too?


colortitle = 0x999999;
colorsubtitle = 0xF7F7F7;
texttitle = new TextFormat();
texttitle.color = 0xFFFFFF;
textsubtitle = new TextFormat();
textsubtitle.color = 0x575757;
subtitles = [[“Mission”, “Vision”, “Goals”, “TSI Team”, “Awards”], [“Telecomm”, “Wireless”, “Security”, “Consulting”, “Web” ]];
URL_subtitles = [[“mission.swf”, “vision.swf”,“Goals.swf”,“TSI Team.swf”,“Awards.swf”,], [“Telecom.html”, “Test4.html”, “Test5.html”], [“Test6.html”]];
positionor = [100, 121];
//The position of the menu
distance = 25;
//The distance between the menu-items
offset = 10;
//Horizontal offset between the titles and subtitles
// ---------------------
function createtitlebars() {
for (i=0; i<titles.length; i++) {
this.attachMovie(“bar”, “bar”+i, i);
mc = eval(“bar”+i);
mc._x = _root.positionor[0];
mc.test.text = titles*;
myColoredObject = new Color(;
mc.old_pos = i*_root.distance+_root.positionor[1];
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
new_pos = (Number(this._name.substr(-1))<=_root.selected) ? this.old_pos : this.old_pos+_root.subtitles[_root.selected].length*_root.distance;
this._y += (new_pos-this._y)/3;
mc.onRelease = function() {
num = Number(this._name.substr(-1));
//specify the actions for the titles like this
if (num == 0) { //0 is the first button, 1 the second,…
getURL(“mission.html”, “_self”);
if (pressed) {
if (_root.selected == num) {
_root.selected = titles.length;
pressed = false;
} else {
_root.selected = num;
} else {
pressed = true;
_root.selected = num;
function createsubtitlebars(num) {
for (i=0; i<_root.subtitles[num].length; i++) {
_root.attachMovie(“bar”, num+“subbar”+i, i-100);
mc = eval(num+“subbar”+i);
mc._y = _root[“bar”+num]._y;
// y-position from where it has to fly in
//you can change this to a number like 200
mc._x = _root.positionor[0]+_root.offset;
// x-position from where it has to fly in
//you can change this to a number like 200
mc.test.text = subtitles[num];
myColoredObject = new Color(;
mc.old_pos = _root.distance
mc.num = num;
mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
new_alpha = (this.num != _root.selected) ? 0 : 100;
this._alpha += (new_alpha-this._alpha)/3;
this._y += (this.old_pos-this._y)/3;
this._x += (_root.positionor[0]+_root.offset-this._x)/3;
mc.onPress = function() {
_root.container(_root.URL_subtitles[this.num][Number(this._name.substr(-1))], “_self”);