Change Mouse Cursors Colour?

Sorry put this in the wrong place before.

Is there any simple way to do this or explain this for a beginner? Lets say I have 4 buttons on the main scene and the user can put their mouse over each one to change their mouse cursor to a different colour (or object/picture) before they move through the rest of the presentation. Is this possible, or simple to explain, or is there a simple piece of code I can copy and paste into my flash project?

If this is too difficult is there anything that is simple that I could make happen when the user puts their mouse over a button? I have 4 buttons that are unused but I can’t delete them for design reasons and I have no other scenes I need to link too so I need some funky stuff to happen when the user clicks or puts their mouse over the button(s).


no problem dude, that stuff happens when you first start in forums :slight_smile:

about your question, try these tutorials:

Cheers :bounce: