what’s the actionscript for changing a movie in a movieclip, a movieclip from the library , not loading an external .swf!
a command like “swap”…
regards, henrik
what’s the actionscript for changing a movie in a movieclip, a movieclip from the library , not loading an external .swf!
a command like “swap”…
regards, henrik
you would have to have another movieclip in that movieclip that acts like a container. Then use the attachMovie command to attach library items from the library using their linkage id into that container.
I have made a kind of replacement for this process which can be found here:
attachMember would be used to initially create a movieclip that can have dynamic “members” and setting its _member property will let you change its contents.
Alternatively, you can give your movieclip different frames with the things you want it to change to and just use gotoAndStop() to go to the frame with the content you want that movieclip to have.
first of all you have to export the movieclip.
to do so you click right on your movieclip in the library, then choose properties and select export for actionscript.
now you can attach this movie by writing attachMove(yourexportname,yournewname,level);
i dont know a function with which you can “swap” movieclips, but you merely have to remove the one you want to replace.
okay senocular, you are faster in typing than i am
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