Loading movie clips inside a another movie

hi everyone.

i hope that you are all having a great morning and i would really like some help.

i have a scrollpane with some logos on, on top of these logos are button, when i have pressed the buttons i would like to action to load a new movie clip onto the main timeline to show more information on the logo clicked…basically on release i would like to show a movie clip on the stage, and when you click on another one of the logos i would like the last on to disappear and to be replaced by the other one.

if anyone could help me i would really appreciate it, cheers everyone.

mr blair

sorry but i forgot to add this, i am looking to call the movieclip from the library and not as an external swf…thanks again in advance people.

mr blair

what you can do is use the attachMovie()…but first don’t forget to specify the linkage name for the movie clips in your library…

so the code is basically going to be like…
_root.attachMovie(“linkageName”, “newname”, 1)

thats fantastic mate but i am not sure what the “newname” section is in the code, could you please say mate as i have no idea.

thanks mate

the “newname” here refers to the instance name you would want to give to the movieclip after it is attached…it can be anything…by the way did you get the linkagename?

yeah mate i got the linkage name…i understand that one, that is what i put in the export for actionscript section when you right click in the library but i thought that this would be what called the movie clip to the stage and not the new name…that is what i dont understand.

i am trying to call quite a few items this way but i want one to replace another, then when you leave that particular frame in the root timeline i want them to not be visible on other pages, not sure if i am making sense but thanks a lot for your help my friend.

i will try it and see what happens…obviously “newname” has to be different for all of my individual clips which i am calling i guess? and the “1” i assume is the level on which the clip will be loaded?

once again thanks mate i hope you are here for a bit longer…lol, you might be hearing from me again.

cheers mate

mr blair