Change text formats with an array

I want to assign one of three text formats to an array entry. Currently I am able to change the text in the text box, but not the color.

    > stop();
    > nav_mc.next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onNext);
    > function onNext(e: MouseEvent): void {
    > nextFrame();
    > }
    > var g: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    > g.font = "Arial";
    > g.size = 20;
    > g.color = 0x00FF00;
    > g.bold = true;
    > var b: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    > b.font = "Arial";
    > b.size = 20;
    > b.color = 0x24BCFD;
    > b.bold = true;
    > var r: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    > r.font = "Arial";
    > r.size = 20;
    > r.color = 0xFF0000;
    > r.bold = true;
    > var ClassTitles: Array = new Array(totalFrames); // An array that will hold the Class titles
    > this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, initializeSlide);
    > function initializeSlide(e: Event): void {
    > banner_mc.txtTop.text = ClassTitles[currentFrame];
    > banner_mc.txtBottom.text = ClassTitles[currentFrame];
    > //banner_mc.txtBottom.setTextFormat(r);
    > nav_mc.slideTotal.text = totalFrames;
    > nav_mc.slideLocation.text = this.currentFrame;
    > }

    > // my array
    > ClassTitles[1] = 'OFFICIAL';
    > ClassTitles[2] = 'PROPRIETARY';
    > ClassTitles[3] = 'RELEASABLE';
    > ClassTitles[4] = 'OFFICIAL';
    > ClassTitles[5] = 'OFFICIAL';
    > ClassTitles[6] = RELEASABLE';
    > ClassTitles[7] = 'RELEASABLE';
    > ClassTitles[8] = 'OFFICIAL';

    > ////What I would like to do to assign color to array or something similar
    > ClassTitles[1] = 'OFFICIAL', b;
    > ClassTitles[2] = 'PROPRIETARY' r;
    > ClassTitles[3] = 'RELEASABLE',g;
    > ClassTitles[4] = 'OFFICIAL', b;
    > ClassTitles[5] = 'OFFICIAL', b;
    > ClassTitles[6] = 'RELEASABLE',g;
    > ClassTitles[7] = 'RELEASABLE',g;
    > ClassTitles[8] = 'OFFICIAL', b;