I loop the text from database and after I need in Flash to have certain Array index have in different color in my HTML text.
Now work it like this:
for (i = 0; i < this.iRecCounter; i++)
tempdate = "gdate" + i;
//Temp variable
tempname = "gname" + i;
//Temp variable
tempgfrom = "gfrom" + i;
//Temp variable
tempgmsg = "gmsg" + i;
//Temp variable
theDate* = this[tempdate];
theName* = this[tempname];
theGfrom* = this[tempgfrom];
theGmsg* = this[tempgmsg];
//display entries
if (theName* == "Admin Entry")
// different color for Array "Admin Entry" here?
trace ("Admin Entry found!");
entries.text = entries.text + "<font color='#FEDFB4'><b>Datum: </b></font> " + "<font color='#FEDFB4'><b>" + theDate* + "</b></font>" + "<br>" + "<font color='#FEDFB4'><u>Jméno: </u></font> " + "<font color='#FEDFB4'>" + theName* + "</font>" + "<br>" + "<font color='#FEDFB4'>Bydliště: </font> " + "<font color='#FEDFB4'>" + theGfrom* + "</font>" + "<br>" + "<font color='#FDBD93'><b>Zpráva:</b></font><br>" + "<font color='#FDE3BD'><b>" + theGmsg* + "</b></font>" + "<br><br>";
trace ("theName*= " + theName*);
I added above already this condition to have only the needed value:
if (theName* == "Admin Entry")
// different color for Array "Admin Entry" here?
trace ("Admin Entry found!");
I tried to make it byself, but have no idea how to do it.