Change the Language Dynamically

I have a little bit complex problem, and i’m little dummie.:ogre:

I’m making a full Flash site, and it would be bilingual. I m making the text parts with external xml files. And I just want that only the text change when the site user changes the language.

I’ve found a great example here ( [u][color=#800080][/color][/u] ), but it appears that only works great in one single SWF file.

What I want is that this function works in the whole site; at any time de site user could change the language for all the text contents.

I ‘ve the site with this organization:

1- there’s a main.swf with the menu [color=sienna]about/services/etc…etc…[/color] and it ‘calls’ about.swf, services.swf…. ;

2- the services.swf file contain a sub-menu [color=red]serviceA[/color], [color=red]serviceB[/color], [color=red]serviceC[/color]… and [color=red]serviceA[/color] calls [color=blue]serviceAdescription.xml[/color], and so on…

And I want that the language switcher on the main.swf works for the various xml’s that are in different swf’s.

How can I do that?

Can I change the [color=blue]PhilFlash[/color] method to make it works to the all site? How?

There’s any tutorial that teaches something similar? Or any Flash component? Where?

I ‘ll appreciate some help.:beer: