Different languages


As I stated earlier with no reply but spam…

I want to enable the user to select different languages. Any suggestion on how I would achieve this?

The issue is that a lot of the xml would be the same, bar the subtitles.

Would I simply have to make the xml insanely bigger with different translations in the attributes…

english =“yes” french =“oui”

or have seperate xmls for each language and spilt flash reading between two xmls… would that even work?


<videos id="Akylosing Spondylitis">
<video url="ankyspond1.flv" sign="ankyspond1.flv" desc="Introduction"  mp4="1"    mp3 ="1"  doc ="1" egp ="1" sign ="1">

It really depends on you the languages are going to accessible within your site and how much xml content you’re using.

For example:
if you plan to place a language selector up-front, and once the language is selected, the viewer doesn’t have an option to switch language: I’d have the language selecter simply set/store a directory path in a variable
var langfolder:String = “xml/french/”;
var langfolder:String = “xml/english/”;
Then if all your xml docs are named the samed and in the appropriate folders - everytime you load xml, simply use:
var xmlpath:String = langfolder+“filename.xml”;

If want the language to be switchable at runtime - might want to use a different system - like you mentioned where you have language keys within the xml.

Take a look in the Help files at Working with Text and Strings > About strings and the String class > About the Strings panel

The Strings panel lets you create and update multilingual content. You can specify content for text fields that span multiple languages, and have Flash automatically determine the content that should appear in a certain language based on the language of the computer that is running Flash Player.

[quote=glosrfc;2330254]Take a look in the Help files at Working with Text and Strings > About strings and the String class > About the Strings panel

The Strings panel lets you create and update multilingual content. You can specify content for text fields that span multiple languages, and have Flash automatically determine the content that should appear in a certain language based on the language of the computer that is running Flash Player.[/quote]

I had absolutely no idea this existed… thanks for the post!

Here is a realted article regarding the Strings Panel