I’ve set up a map using 39 towns as buttons, which onClick go to labeled keyframes. On each frame I have multiple dynamic text boxes which pull their information from a single text file created from a database. My problem is that whenever I want to change the layout of the text boxes I have to change it on the keyframes of 39 towns, since each set if text boxes has a different variable name. For example town1cat1a, town2cat1a.
What I’m hoping to do is to create one set of text boxes, and write some code that will change the variable name according to which keyframe you are on. For example townxcat1a, and if you are on town 1’s keyframe, there will be a command that x=1. That way I only have to change one set of text boxes (the x’s) and x will be swapped out for the town code.
I’m not a programmer, so any help on how to write this would be much appreciated!
Here’s one example where I changed all the buttons by hand