Changing filters on MovieClips breaks animation

Flash can be frustrating as hell, sometimes. Here is my latest roadblock – if you know how to fix this problem, please let me know. Thank you!!!

  1. I create an animated character using CS5.5, and compile it into a swf.

  2. I load the character’s swf into a new document (programmatically, via a Loader), and add it to the display list. So far, no problems: the character is animating just fine.

  3. BUT, the character is too large for my current scene, so I scale its root container down (scaleX = scaleY = 0.3 – something like that ).

  4. Wow!! I realize filters on nested Sprites and MovieClips are not scaled along with the root container !!! Undeterred, I write a little recursive function to navigate down the display tree of the character, and scale down all the filter properties that can be scaled.

  5. So far so good: the character and all its root & nested filters are properly sized, BUT the nested MovieClips within the character whose filters got modified no longer play their animations!!!

  6. I try to force them to play programmatically to no avail (ex: myCharacterMc.headMc.gotoAndPlay( “eyes_blinking” ) ). What gives???