Changing registration point

Uhm… maybe this question is really stupid, buuuuut…

Is there any way to change the registration point of a symbol after it has been created? I can’t seem to find information one way or the other anywhere :expressionless:

Well, thanks in advance for your words o’ wisdom :slight_smile:

  • wobbly


There used to be a nice ‘edit centre’ command in Flash5- but unfortunately it’s not there any more.
U can go ‘inside’ the symbol and change it manually .



:slight_smile: Hit the free transform tool (looks like a lumpy box deal) and then there should be… I think its a circle in the middle. Drag that around to mark your center.

Here, this was in the tutorials sections. Hope this helps.

. . you know. . I really like some of you new kirupians. Thanks for being so helpful with these questions. Kirupa and the Kirupaforum mod team really appreciates it.


Yes it is always appreciated when fellow kirupians help other kirupians in need :slight_smile:

One thing about that tut though, it doesn’t work for me, if I don’t define my registration point when I make the clip, then I can’t change it afterwards like that tutorial states… I have no clue why.

I don’t think that I’ve had that problem with MX.

hmmm. I’ll have to play around with that and see what sort of results I get. As far as I know I’ve had no problem ever using the free transform tool to edit the center reg. Only been using it for 2 months now though so I’m not sure if I’ve explored every option.

definitely play around with it… you might need to repair the instal LIB… I’ll get back to you if I discover anything pertinent.(sp? :P)

I am not worried about it, it poses no difficulty to me, I just don’t know why it doesn’t work…lol.

man a circle in the middle is solution…




I’m afraid the way the tutorial changes de registreation point only changes it in relation to the transform tool, it doesn’t make any difference to the ‘real’ reg point that you may want to access via AS.

If any of you knows a way of doing it other than manually, please post the solution! I repeat this procedure several times a week (our graphics guy is not the most Flash aware person in the world).



Hey all -

I have to agree, the Free Transform method does nothing for me. I mean, when you select the movie clip with the Arrow tool after doing the FT method of changing it, you’ll notice the crosshairs are still where you originally registered them.

But, maybe I’m just missing something… :slight_smile:

What eki said makes sense.

I was struggling with the same thing and found nothing. Not even in the flash help. But I got it, and I will shed some light on this :slight_smile:

Just select the object (mc), press F8 and to the right of behaviour and to the left of the buttons is a grid of 9 boxes. This is the registration point. Click to choose.

I attached an image to clarify my poor explanation.

Oh yeah, I figured that out a while ago.

That method works great for new symbols, nikc, but what if you want to change the reg point of a symbol you already have?

I’d be interested in finding out how this is done too…