Changing someone's wallpaper from another computer

so I’m playing a bit of a joke on a workmate, I want to change his wall paper but I need to do it from my computer. I can get full access to his hard drive accross our network. Is there anyway I can do this? Like maybe there’s a file I can edit that defines the location of his background?

Cheers all :love:

you could go to the file he’s using as his background, copy that to a different name, and save the new one with the same name as his old one.

btw, this may not be a good idea- if your boss finds out that you “hacked” someones computer you could be looking for another job :wink:

ya I might give that a go once I’ve worked out his computer name, and my bosses would see the funny side of it if they found out (which they won’t ;))

I thought there was another way of doing it tho… changing a person’s wallpaper even if they don’t have one set?

Also, I take it he won’t see the new one until he restarts his computer? that might not be for a looooong time

yeah, not until he restarts or refreshes his desktop i believe…

remote desktop

BTW, dont hold it against me if you spend the next three months scanning

yeah in theory you should be able to make a new desktop and save it over the top of the old one. I guess then he’d just have to refresh his desktop or log out/shutdown/restart and blam. should be fine! (or not :P)

the funniest thing is doing a printscreen of someone’s desktop (with icons and all) and then making it the background and setting “view desktop items” to off! :stuck_out_tongue:

Moving the whole office to another building without telling someone is funny too!

the funniest thing is doing a printscreen of someone’s desktop (with icons and all) and then making it the background and setting “view desktop items” to off!

LOL :beam: