Another Desktop Thread

I know there have been threads like this before but my desktop changes so often i like to see what other ppl are changeing to as well.

I think i have finaly found one i like. Made this today. Lets see yours.

PS: Link or attach only. Don’t post the pice directly in the thread.

here it is. its getting cluttered though:)

thats really cool sintax… mine is still the same as the last thread:

Mines ugly and stupid… but oh well

haha… 28, cheetos?

hey, 28, I finally did the link button to the WRAF page… CLICK HERE!!!

and here’s my desktop CLICK HERE!!

this is my, well, very neat desktop :stuck_out_tongue:
i designed the wallpaper a few weeks ago… i think its neat too :stuck_out_tongue:

nice link lavaboy!

I’ll be sure to use that:beam:

I still haven’t found anything I like better…

click here


I love these threads. They always taek off so nicely. Kepp them coming:)


I can’t show mine, it’s Christina Aguilera ‘nearly’ nude. I don’t think that’s… acceptable. here.


Sintax, I absolutely adore that background. It’s awesome.

Thanks man. It wasn’t even suposed to be abg like that, I jsut set it to background and thought it looked cool wiht the icons lined up.

I scketched that out last night wiht a buch of other ideas. I was kind of on a design roll.

Here is one of the other things i designed at the same time.

that’s just become one of my favorite quotes!

“…software so simple now even a monkey with a stick can do web design…”

is that the quote you ment is one of your new favorites?


You want to know what I have to put up with all day? Well here you go. It’s the Churchill corporate wallpaper, complete with the company values on it…

I feel very dorry for you kit. They could have atleast put that goofy looking dog on it to cheer you guys up.

Kit is probably so sick of that dog by now that if they put the dog on the wallpaper she would flip out and take a AK-47 and start killing her co-workers…

These threads kick ***! :slight_smile:

It seems I am the only person that uses the “my computer” bar across the top of the screen…strange. :slight_smile:

This background is my favorite - I found it a while ago and cannot change it - it’s just too cool!

Click Here