Changing the font colour on your desktop? (XP)

im not sure if i was ever able to do this, ive been trying to look for the answer and had no luck, wonder if anyone here has been successful getting the desktop font back to black.


Try looking in properties, maybe you can change it like on win98 and if that doesnt work you can check stylexp and the site that supports it. They have some really nice themes there.

Ok, this is what I do for win2k, but I’m sure it’s the same thing.

Right click on desktop, so it brings up the display window. Then click the appearence tab, I belive?
And it will show three different windows with type on them. Click on one of those windows, and below you can change size, font, and I think color.

I’m at school right now, so the admin’s block any access to anything, so that is from memory. Hope it helps!

lol… i should of explain to everyone that ive tried all that already, its not in the properties, and not even in style xp, i heard it’s because of the drop shadow that the text has on the desktop (cleartype), i m just trying to figure out how to get rid of it, oh btw…ive been using style xp since xp was introduced… hehe


thanks for the suggestions anyway :wink:

figured it out, tweak xp had this.

Control Panel / System / Advanced / Performance Tab / Settings Button and put a checkmark in: Use Drop Shadows for Icon Labels on the Desktop
i unticked that and the text is back to black :thumb:

also found out based on the colour of your desktop background(not your wallpaper) will make your font colour either black or white. if you have a black background it will make your font white, while if you have a white background it will make your font black. :beam:

Oh I see, I might do that too.
Glad you got it fixed man :wink: