Chapter 16 - Babel Install Error

I had trouble setting up Bable:


ERROR in Entry module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘babel’

BREAKING CHANGE: It’s no longer allowed to omit the ‘-loader’ suffix when using loaders.
You need to specify ‘babel-loader’ instead of ‘babel’,

I’m not sure how to resolve this…

That chapter in the book is quite out-of-date now! You can see the revised version here that uses a much simpler solution for getting your project up and running: The second edition of the book (due in March/April) will contain this updated content.


Why can’t they allow for dynamic ebooks that notify you when books gets updates just like apps on the App Store. Specifically for technical books.

When the 2nd edition goes out, existing owners will get notified of the new edition that they can view on their e-reader, browser, etc. Even paperback owners will get access to the digital version :stuck_out_tongue: