Im gonna start makin flash cartoons if i can figure it out… and here is the first little dude thing. His name is jose, cuz i wish i was mexican. it took mad skill to make him considering the entire thing is made out of basic shapes and objects… score one for the newbie
comments suggestions and criticism are a good thing… but if your gonna tell me to do something try to explain how… thank u please?
reminds me of south park…:sigh:
crap… i never make something of my own… i knew it was too familiar… back to the mousing screen i guess…
well it’s not totally 100% south park, the flat shapes just reminds me of it. What is that around his head, is that a red afro?
yup… i decided to make the one colored thing on him/her/it…? be its fro… cuz fros are neetastic