WIP....character (cartoon)

Here is a character I just started working on for a series of animated shorts I will be putting together. The character “will” be, like an (kinda) evil pre-teen genius that has some characteristics of an old man because of his pursuit to accomplish something (or obtain something) hence the receeding hair and bad posture. This is a very initial sketch and I am still working on his mannerisms and clothing. He will have a pet that looks just like him. Have not decided on what the pet will be. What I want to know if there are any cartoon characters out there that this too closely resembles, plus any critiques or ideas will be cool. I got the idea while looking at my thumb…lol.

(and yes I know he has no mouth and ears…supposed to be that way.)

interesting character… I could see the posture working, also maybe because of the size of his head. You can’t really crit this because it is an original concept, other than to say what a person would do differently, but then who is to say…
I think it is good for a pre work up… will absolutely gain character once you colorize it… cool little dude, don’t think I have seen anything close to it…
can’t wait to see some animi

looks good dude, how about some hair,some stylised freaky/crazy professor hair-do.

  • the only thing that looks similar to me is the hands and that button, hmm where have i seen that before?

nice work, did a little play though…

thanks, ya’ll I drew this during a meeting where I should have been paying attention. But sometimes I have a habit of recalling something I seen previously subconsciously. Like I said I was looking at my thumb when I drew it. Thus the big frontal lobe. I’ll keep ya’ll posted on the progress.

nice work DDD, does it have a name?

is he evil? yes he is :smiley:


What you’re thinking about was Simplistiks entry in the Gizmodo battle. Same kind of shaped hand and button pushing. The site with all the entries is down otherwise I would link the image.

And DDD. I love the character. I’m interested to see what it looks like once you color it.

yeah thats it, he told me he didnt even realise that… sorta like he mention before “recalling something I seen previously subconsciously.” anyway, its only a stance which i like, so all good.

d’oh. I did a retouch with the head upside down, didn’t work to attach it though now deleted too. looked good too though

I would hav loved to see it our of curiosity. But I think I am going to ride out our odd headed friend. I’ll post a colored sketch with a better pose hopefully tomorrow. Unfortuantely I got more pressing projects right now.

It seems I can never escape reference to Simplistik. The thing with the button is when I sketched him this dude was boring so I imagined I had a button to blow his ***** up. I did not show you guys the rest of the paper…lol with the carnage on it.

haha, no worries DDD. We know you’re not stealing ideas. I want to see him colored.

That’s ok… I know you luv me :drool: :love:

looks very cool and uhmmm i couldn’t help myself going over it in freehand…
i just hope you don’t mind!!
(btw, image quality suks)

Just make sure that is the extent of its use. :bad: I am going over him in sketchbook right now. Everything above this post is copyright to me…lol. Please dont redistribute or use.

hehe, if you want the freehand file a psd or a eps/ai or anything else just tell me!

lol…j/k about playing around with it, feel free. (not j/k about the copyright thing :bad: )

hehe i wont steal work, i have to much pride for that! i just wanted some practise in freehand and you provided a great subject :P, i am gonna color it too :stuck_out_tongue: haha

you can color it long as you dont do it better than me…:lol:

don’t worry i am pretty bad and illustration (as you can see) and coloring (what you will see)