The XML file is connected with the flash file with the following script:
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
_root.slogan = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
name_txt.text = _root.slogan;
} else {
content = "file not loaded!";
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
The flash file will be placed on the server here. Every country that will use this file has his own XML file with the slogan in there own language. Now i embedded all characters to the textfield but i still have problems displaying the slogan in Russian, Danish, Bulgarian and Korean. It gives problems with special characters. The font i’m using is Arial.
Can someone tell me what i’m doing wrong.
one problem I have noticed, is that, if you or the end user doesn’t have those characters installed, flash will not render it, even if you have “embedded fonts”
I have got Russian to work, I think danish might not be included in flash, though it should be extended Latin,
I suspect that your problem may be to do with specifying the encoding as UTF-8. I had a quick look but couldn’t figure out which UNICODE version you need to handle all these languages - perhaps UTF-8 is ok, but maybe try UTF-16 or UTF-32
The other thing to try is embedding Arial Unicode, not just plain old Arial. However, embedding all characters in this could seriously bloat your swf. Is there a way that you can save out a different version for each language and fire the right one at the right time?
I’m having problems with portuguese characters.
I saved the xml file as UTF 8 according to the tutorials and also embebed the special characters in flash. Also tried to use the System.useCodePage=true; in flash but it gives me a sript error… probably i placed it in a wrong place of the code.
Nothing works… can you help me?
edited - problem solved!
i removed the System.useCodePage=true; and then corrected the embebed the characters that i made inicially wrong.