Charging per hour?

I never charged per hour, I always charge per project, which is why I always get paied too little for my effort(or maybe because most of my projects are done for friends and friends of friends.)

I’m not planning on charging per hour just yet. but I’m sure I will in the future.

So there are some stuff that confuses me alittle:

  • The first and main thing is how it works, i mean, some people are pretty fast? some are pretty slow. how fair is it? how is it calculated to be fair? Is there some standards i should follow?

  • I oftenly go through several versions before i decide which one to use(and sometimes subversions), do i charge for the hours i spent on the versions i didnt use? Is there any rules/tips to be taken into consideration?

  • Trust, What assures a doubting client that you didnt work 5 hours and charge for 10? (i think this one has no solution lol)

I also have troubles determining how much time did i spend doing something(I dont work continiously, i never tried hard though, so i guess its just my problem.

before anyone replies to me explaining his secret relationship with google, i didnt search for it anywhere :stuck_out_tongue: because i preferred asking here, in a designers/developers community.

I’m sure alot of people here are experienced in this matter, so i wanted to hear everyone’s story.

cheers, Harvey.