re-do of www.fido.com.au
comments pls
Nice work just turn off the AA on the font and the bottom The Sy… something needs to be unblured/fixed.
Nice work.
Is this flash or HTML (go HTML for this type of site).
yes will be HTML still deciding whether or not to make it my 1st tableless layout!!
JS dropdown nav
nice, but i agree with Templarian on the font:)
i like those white outlined people;)
3 cheers for tableless layout! Go for it!
I’m going to go against the general consensus on this one. The people are rather stock-photoish… they need something more.
If you’re going with a drop-down nav, then those white bars on the top and bottom of the nav will look bad. The bars aren’t that attractive anyway. Rather mid-nineties-divider-looking. They aren’t necessary… I’d say get rid of them.
You can get rid of the “for” in “for organizations” and “for volunteers”. They will get the point without it. For that matter, you can keep the nav buttons lower-case, but DEFINITELY make the first letter in each of the words in “Friend In Deed Organization” within the logo capitalized. Also, the quote should not be in quotes because it is not an opinion or anything other than fact. Just leave it italicized and get rid of the quotation marks.
Finally, from what I saw on the original site, this organization is interested in having fun–as noted by the happy dog, the dog bones, the bright green color. Your redesign, while cleaner, and more up-to-date, loses all of the fun of the original site. Consider bringing back in the green, and the dog character.
I agree on previous poster… you shouldn´t create a totally new colorscheme, update the illustration of the dog… just a cleaner version in illustrator or something… no need for bones etc. just the dog… and the name fido. I think your site is better, though too clinic. Try a friendlier approach.
Regards // Fred
ok some things to think about cheers
1 of the main problems with the dog is when its seen with the logo FIDO people may assume thee site is about dogs.
ppl are stock just used as a draft - will make new ppl in more “helping” stances
Maybe if you change the dog to a Lassy type… like the kind of dog that helps people… maybe a kid hugging a dog, something like that will take away the notion that the site is about the dogs and not the people.
maby but id think if i was going to change it i may as well just loose it…ill see what the client thinks
cheers for the comments all
Thats what I thought
But it’s still has a very neat layout :thumb:
with the dog!!!
and incorporating the original colour scheme a little more!!
what u reckon guys??
Definitely like that one better. I love the division of the graphic on the right. Good call.
thinking to go with this one - what u reckon?
any comments on this one - and im going to go for full CSS so any hints as to how i should go ablout making it would help!!
I prefer fido16.jpg
Fido18 is getting to bland again.
However, I like the header design for fido18. (the grey area) Consider integrating the fido18 top header with the fido16 design and colors.
Full CSS is overrated. Go with your strengths. There’s nothing wrong with tables.
i like the last one, a great improvement from the first, nice colors, simply great except fonts
i really love the 2nd one (green/blue + dog) I think you should go with that without question! Its colorful, friendly and cool all at the same time
sparky007 - which fonts???
nav and body is verdana
i like the logo font alba
hand written fornt i agree needs looking at
client wants full CSS - accessibility reasons
cheers for the comments -
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