Chat room help please

Can anyone show me how to make a chatroom with php and that shows the people that are online and automatically erases previous messages when a user logs on.

and automatically erases previous messages when a user logs on.

What I meant to say

when a user logs on they don’t see previous messages that were said

Thats alot of help anyone else?

:puzzle:That was mean. Why not just slap me with a trout?:trout:

:be:Sheesh, I forgot to help you. Sephiroth is one way to go. Click Me For Simple Chat Tutorial. It’s not how I made mine but thats one way for a chat using Flash/PHP/mySQl…


OK THNX i’LL try that

Anyone else have some ideas?

my3brs, another fellow mod here is developing a chat system for me that has those features you want.

When he’s done, I’ll ask if it can be open source so hang in there.

Is that fellow mod Ahmed by any chance?

ok thnx i will