Does anyone know how to make a chat room in Macromedia Flash 5? It may require php? If you do, can anyone tell me how or give me a website that does? Thx. :beam:
Yeah I’m working on one right now actually… It requires the use of
If you upgrade to MX though… You cna use the new loadVars objects… Which allows you to send and receive data pretty fast and easily…
Then just have a php page that will allow you to add the data to a text file or pull out from a text file.
Wouldn’t it be more efficient to use a database? and then once they leave just delete the values… I know that a text file would be ok as far as simplicity…
More efficient? Doubtful…
Telling that you’d have to connect to the database… And that unconnect… It would be just as easy to most likely faster with a simple text file holding all the information…
well… it really then would depend how you would look at it… Will the user just post once… And then that post get placed until everyone gets it… And then deleted… Or would it be added to a database and then left there until it just gets deleted?
good point. If you are just going to be deleting the value then why use a database. I personally was thinking of keeping the values active in the database until they left, but I really see no point in that…
I’d see it like this… When a user posts a new message… put a msg number attached onto it… This number will go up as the msg’s keep going up…
Have the msg number be kept in one text file or perhaps a database… And then have all the msg’s in seperate files…
&msg=Blah blah blah… Yadda Yadda Yadda…
The user will have a flash variable to keep track of what msg numbers he has downloaded… If the msg number is = to the msg number posted… It will not call for the user to load up that msg. I’m goign to have to say… Loop around this number every 10 times… If you don’t have a msg loaded up by 10 msg’s ahead… You need to gte a new connection…
So then… There will only be a max of 10 text files stored… It could probably be done easier with a database after sorting it out like this though… But… The text file way is always a way as well.
well the text file way would have a wider range of usability. People could make one even if they don’t have access to a database. I would probably use a database
I just sue text files all the time cause I created a set of functions to handle text files like database…
XTFD - X-tended Text-File Database…
Works like charm right now
so, is there a tutorial that explains how to make forum? or anyone here have forum sourcecode to share, and, of course with some explanations…
Forums are easy to create… But take alot of pages and time to think about it… I would post all my tag board and semi-forum sourcecodes but they aren’t complete and they use my XTFD system… Sorry…
Woohoo… Almost 700 posts
creating a forum isn’t easy. Requires lots of planning and lots of coding. If you are going to do it in flash check out
Wasn’t there a tutorial in flash already for that? I seem to remember it having a sample chat engine in flash 5.