when i used quick reply…
Is that normal?
Woah, if your screen looks like that the browser title is the least of your concerns… hehe…j/k. That is a super low quality image though.
I never noticed it did that. It happens for me to.
30% jpg with hypersnap…saves on bandwidth…
it looks like a mac, but be not afraid, it is a pc!
lol (you’re right, that is low qual!)
happens here too
Kirupa, how much bandwidth do you use/have a month?
I think he gets unlimited bandwidth from media temple.
Could be wrong though. So K-Man, what’s your b-width?
I have unlimited, but the theoretical limit on the servers is about 40 GB for the forums and 40 GB for the site. I use about 50 for both - so I exceed their limit by about 10 =)
Theoretical limit?
So you have unlimited, but in theory you can’t go past 40, but you do by 10?
yep :thumb: The server details tell me not to exceed 40 GB, but I got the go ahead from MT to do whatever.
Oh ok, I gotcha.
I have unlimited bandwidth, but there are rules to it, like I can’t stream music or movies. And I believe I can’t offer high file size downloads, but I don’t do that anyway so it’s all good.
Yeah. I don’t think I have that option, but I choose not to either. It’s just bad for me to overextend my welcome with the MT folks =)
The link gave me some subscription message ahmed. Phil, bandwidth is the stuff that comes in specially marked cereal boxes.
Eyez - I’m not sure why it does that. I noticed that, but I found that it goes away after the next post.