Check this layout, need your opinions

hi all! I need some honest opinions about this layout, I think its looking good but it lacks something, the main picture its going to change everytime u refresh the site to keep it fresh :slight_smile: thanks!

wow could those be any bigger? Um i mean great layout!

My crap:
1)Very light in color…contrast?
2)Where did that green come from?..incorporate?
3)I know this is dumb but the little black outlines on the scrollbar bug me lol

I see nothing really missing, it’s just a little bland…mmmm tope

So I say bring that green into the rest of the site :slight_smile:

-Señor Chimp

lol, thanks man, I dont know I kinda like the green :stuck_out_tongue: About the outlines I hate them and I dont know how to eliminate them.

Ur right, it needs more life…

Thanks :slight_smile:

who is that? and what is this site for?


Arrepentido, reparé decir que quiero el verde mucho.

P.S. Is her nipple Photoshoped out or is it “tucked” lol


oh wait the layout… haha didn’t see it there :wink:

seriously though, i think it looks good, althought the top text is kinda hard to read :slight_smile:


I like it! But all the text is pretty hard to read. Perhaps a bit more contrast with it.(well except the green, that’s perfectly legible)

I like the design, over all I think the small white text is hard to read. I also don’t like your
submit button, and scrollbars.

Other then that I think it’s great :thumb:


Thanks people, Ok, the upper text its hard to read, the green its weird, the scrollbars could be better too…Im going to make some changes :slight_smile:

and no Chimp, the nipple its not photoshoped :smiley:

I want more feedback!! I demand it! thanks! :rabbit: