Check this mind reader out! (done in flash)

This is pretty cool. If you can figure out how it works (as I am sure someone here will) please PM me the bloody answer :):hangover:

Your not supposed to see a number phil - you are supposed to see the image beside the number you get after you do the equasion!

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

But how it is abe to discern which numbers your doing is uncanny and weird and I wanna know how its done as well…

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

you just explained how it works before that. :crazy:

someone already posted how it was done.
i just cant remember who. :trout:

i have seen this in a html before.

Very intriguing…:-\

hint censored by phil

huh This is scary!
Who the heck is it done man!
Phil I don’t get yur hint!:blush:

answer censored by phil

Now I get it!
[SIZE=1]:.didn’t ntice symbols randomizing::[/SIZE]

it worked for me once. but the rest of the time it didnt(-:

ooooh I get it… but still - you have to admit, that was pretty ■■■■ cool :slight_smile:

lol that didnt make to much sence.:beam:

yeah, it is pretty ■■■■ funky. but what do you mean it only worked once alex? you musta done the maths wrong

answer censored by phil

Hey guys. Delete you’re explinations in this thread. If anyone wants the answer they should email one of us for it. That way at least people can have some fun with it for a while, bending their minds. This is a good trick after all.

[email protected] for the answer (I may not get back to you for a day. :slight_smile: )

I’m not trying to censor anything Phil… just allowing people to have their fun. I chose this thread over the other because it had a more discriptive title. Sorry Syntax:)

Thanks Phil. I too hope no one minds. It really is just to extend entertainment value. Once you know how it works it’s completely none entertaining.

The other thing I saw was that he is offering to send the answer to anyone who donates by paypal to him. I’ll tell someone the answer if I know it, but it would suck if anyone who knew how to use a search engine could easily obtain the answer. He’s got a right, I figure, to make a profit where he can.

I don’t know if that makes it the right thing to do or not… but at least everyone knows my stated intent. :slight_smile:

Thanks for poking fun at me Phil. I would have seen that but I’ve been in a mood for a couple of days now. :stuck_out_tongue: Probebly all that anti evolutionary literature I’ve been sorting through. uggg

good call gentlemen. I was actually gonna delete my own post anyway.

but just a thought, maybe we should extend this to the whole of kirupaforum. whenever anyone explains how anything is done, it should be deleted. :wink:

anyone with me? :sigh:

I wondered why the hell my post was deleted - I thought I said something wrong :slight_smile: Oh well - this will make it much more fun for sure.

Good idea fellas

Yeah I figured out how it was done a while ago and posted the answer on Eilsoe’s forum because one of my friends was tripping out that they couldn’t figure out how it was done. Do you want the think to the answer? or not? Well if you do then its in the Spamville forum of Eilsoe’s forum…