Check this out for a good laugh


this guy took alot of time out of his life to fix up this car.


If my car sucked I would do that tooā€¦ stupid non-crappy car.
Thatā€™s funny though, heā€™s my new hero

lol great. thats so funny.

a friend of mine did a similar thing. he retrofitted his own ā€œspoilerā€ to the back of his camry before we headed off down to school.

This is the spoiler before the 4-hour tripā€¦

After the trip. The wind bore the wings down, it really wasnā€™t reinforcedā€¦

ā€¦And that wasnā€™t the only time he tried it. The second time round, he reinforced it with a 2 by 8:

Before the trip homeā€¦

2 hours into the trip, we stuffed the failed spoiler in the trash at a burger king we ate at. the spoiler almost flew off and hit the car behind us (remember, this had a piece of wood on it) so we decided to abandon it.

lol. thor thats awsome!

Thatā€™s nothing! my car doesnā€™t exist, its all photoshop