ok here’s mine…
95 integra ls
ok here’s mine…
95 integra ls
LOL, i love how you erased the license plate.
I don’t have a pic of my car online, but here is what it looks like except mine is white.
Here’s a pic of both of my cars:
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Here’s a pic of both of my cars:
Rev **
hell yeah, go public transportation.
i’d really want a car, though.
i don´t have a car, but i have a byke =)
speaking of bikes, i so want this bike like right now:
I don’t have a car, cause I can get my drivers license when I’m 18… and that is september. But then I will drive a Renault Twingo. But really tuned haha
hey malo! I have already 2 of these! I can lend ya one if ya want! I bought them from the local corner-shop!
This is my future car ! :trout:
Hey Flux your very Blingin!
My ride, my Black Eagle…
It’s okay, it does it job… no one usualy cuts me off… :beam:
Woaw dos Russia have so advanced tank and above that the name is Black Eagle
J/K ! :tb:
LOL :beam:
Yeah baby, thats the newest AFV, its baddas! Its supposed to be better than the m1. I dont doubt its better than the m1, but there is about 100 000 m1 and only about 10 Black eagles!
We will end up selling them to china…
heres my car
yup, theres nothin there:*(
heres my car
i wish
heres my real car
i took the ferrari picture yesterday while i was at the mall with my digital camera and my car i just took a shot now
you have a nice blue car grimdeath
or is it just me and the blue color ? !
gee thanx its a cheap car but i really like it i wanted to get a focus zx3 hatchback in dark silver but i cant afford that right now but this is the closest i could get to a focus zx3 lol i only pay $250.00 a month ( we dont pay monthly insurance in Puerto Rico we just pay a $175.00 annual fee, dont you guys envy us? lol) and no down payment :beam:
hehe, you guys wanna see a REAL car?
it’s my “city” car, check it:
and here’s another one from my garage:
it’s Opel Calibra Moderna Tuning, how do you like it? :beam: :trout:
oh it’s tuned, so you can see how it looked before the tuning here:
> > http://www.moderna-tuning.com/automobiliai/dideli/Calibra/pilka/sonas.JPG < <
see any difference? =)
i would post my car, but the post office didnt have enough stamps…
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