Check This!

ok i have finally got around to working on my site. here it is but its not even close to being done.

bare in mind. my photo shop skill suck.:geek:

Well I would just like to say if nothing else, you are VERY keen! :wink: [And a little premature]

One question: Is it going to be a Flash site?
If YES, then why build it in Photoshop??

its going to be in html. what do you mean when you say ’ premature’. just so i can fix it.:beam:

Well I think you need to have a bit more than 0.5% of your site done b4 you post it in site check. I could be wrong. :expressionless:

I’m not criticizing you; I just think you might get more constructive criticism if you have something substantial to show people. :smiley:

lol i just wanted some feed back about it to see what people think of it so far.

thanks though:beam:

I understand man, but with that strategy you probably would NEVER finish a site coz you can cant please everyone. :frowning: