The CHiPs are now asking that if you see an out of state license plate, and you know that person is living in California, to report them.
In CA, you have 20 days after establishing residence, to buy CA license plates. On average, it is over $400 for first time licenses, if your car can pass the smog check.
Then, it is slightly less each year thereafter.
So, many residents (I did this myself, when I owned a car) license their cars in other states, like Oregon, where it is still under $50 for 2 years for any car (in CA, your fee is based on the initial value of your car).
I was driving a 10 yr old “top of the line” Hyundai 4 door sedan. It would have cost me $450 for the first year, and $180/yr after that. All this for a car that is now worth about $500 (locally, anyway).
Now, the CHiPs are asking you to “narc” on your neighbor.
Didn’t GWB try this a while back, and got absolutely slammed about it?