I put this one together last week for a friends event.
This is more what I love to do…
Truthfully, Chistians are the light as well as God, but only in the sense that we carry God’s light. Christ said “Be salt and light” what he ment by this was add both flavor and sight to this dark existance. The problem nowa days is the “Church” adds no flavor and is in many cases darker than a german pub. I’ve found most people see Christianity the way you just described. Stale and adventurless, because thats the way most churches present it. but thats not tru, perhaps this helps.
Most christian artwork I find is weak or epic with no reality. What I tried to do, create a sense of freedom, mostly believe it or not from religion. i’m not going to preach but if anyone would be interested in learning about the christian life, or perhaps simply has questions to hard and scary for many christians I’d like to hear them. I like hearing both sides.
The bible reference to salt and light
These words came out of Christ’s mouth concerning his people
Matthew 5:
3"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
15"Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
whatever you say gary.
it’s your image.
no need to preach. If they want to be converted here, they have already been converted. If they aren’t receptive, your preaching is not going to help.
I just made a constructive comment about the design, not your beliefs or your religion…
relax. it was you who put a religious poster in a multi-theological forum, you must have expected some controversy…
Just remember. Just because you know you are right does not mean everyone else automatically agrees with you.
looks good, i thought they were going toward the light! how can ya really tell ?
it says for the saints to come…
it has an outstretched hand…
to me, that means come to me…
the light is over the mtn, so away from the light…
just how I see the visual metaphor.
I agree, the hand could be interpreted as a dark hand, leading the sheep away from the light? Obviously you didn’t have that in mind when you made it, but it could definatly be interpreted that way. Maybe you would want to rethink that and make the hand the light?
Designwise - I like it a lot, nice use of coulours. However the bench seems a little out of perspective.
See thats my point, Mostly all christian artwork you have a big gate or a huge stair case and everyone is in a neat little line that stretches as far as the eye can see and there is a massive light at the other end. This peice is more personal in the sense it’s more like a free group seeking, not a global line unto judgment.
I’m sorry if I offended you, but you heard what you heard not what I said, I thought you were referring to the glowing people. I though you were curious as to why they were glowing, so I explained it as best I could. I will also take any opportunity to speak about what I believe, Just like anyone would and does. I would appreciate the same respect you would give a Native American or Buddist explaining their work to an audience that is not familiar with it. I will give anyone that same respect. I will not go into detail on this thread, I understand there areas in “kirupa forums” for that, and I will respect those requests.
yeah I probably should have taken the hand out, it’s original purpose was a first person type thing. but perhaps it does detract from the focus point a bit. Thanks, it never crossed my mind,
my point was, that you could have simply said, “I believe Christians are the light, as well as God.”
instead, you chose to preach, to quote the Bible, to condescend…
to defend your image in a critique forum, in which you asked for critiques…
a Budhist would prob not quote Budha…
a Native American prob would not read from his “book from the Elders” …
They would simply state thier beliefs.
No one here will question anyone’s beliefs, as long as you stay out of Ordered… j/k …
That is all. nothing more. I hope you see my point was not due to being offended.
Gary - The fact that you’re doing work for your Church group is great. After reading the other posts I suggest you don’t worry about what other people who have no faith in God says about what you believe in and how you produce artwork with God as a subject.
Anyway, I think you did a great job on layout.
Your concept is superb.
But I have a couple of small suggestions for you…
Your typography is weak. The headline could be a tad bolder. Im assuming this is going to be passed out widespread so try to make the headline heavier, easier to read and much more eye catching.
I would make the hand of God a vector silhoette (just like you did with the people). But this time, make it white. When you think of God, you don’t think of darkness, you think of light. As it is, the people are walking towards the shadows, or the unknown.
Get what Im saying?
whatever Rev. I’ll not debate why I did what I did, it was my choice and my time. I tried to explain myself once! and thats all I’m going to do. I’m done with the topic. other than the accusation you made of my condesending motive. I used the verse to illistrate where my motives came from, in an effort to perhaps illuminate your understanding not intice you or anyone to convert. Hell if i wanted to convert someone I wouldn’t use a bible verse, if you don’t believe already whats the point in them.
Thanks jnicklo for the input, but unfortunatley they altready sent to press.
The concept was designed however as if the people were moving toward the mountain light. The hand was simply to take up space. It was a short project and a rushed one, but I will fix it for my own purposes later and have gotten some really good insight form everyone. I will fix the few issues(except the pew perspective) then re-post later. Thanks again for all of your help.
Wake O Sleepers sounds likes ‘Waco Sleepers’
Nice design elements, though… good job…
Pretty nice design.What I would suggest though is to thickin Come O Saints. It’s to thin and to weak. I assume it’s bigger cause you wanted more emphasis on it, you should make it bolder to. Also, probably take out the white box outline thing. I think right there you over designed, it’s not needed as it adds nothing to the image itself, especially since its so thin and the only line there.
Wow this one’s deep. I’m liking that image though.
//Also, probably take out the white box outline thing.//
I completely dissagree. That box creates a focal point that gently draws the viewers attention in and allows them to expand on the picture in their own time. This is a technique often suited to very complicated images, but here I think it works well too. On top of this it gives the text an anchor point. I dont think it would be as effective if the text was just floating there.
I don’t think it’s the box that creates the focal point it’s the huge flare in the middle that draws your eye. As for an anchor point… the text isn’t lined on it so it’s not it’s anchor point. But hey what do I know? I’m not a designer :lol: -heh, right.
I like what you are doing here - perhaps move the top colored geometric shape to the top left and shorten the height of the image, for it to be such a horizontal image, its awful long - I get the black hand but at the same time I understand the should it be black of white deals - who’s hand is it supposed to be?
also some of the people look like they are walking away, some towards…I would try to tighten it up a bit and not make it so spread out-
i love the color overlays.
nice pic, religeon is just something to con people out f money (unless some kids gonna dies from starvation my money is my money) people are gonna get angry at me but thats my opinon and no one can take it away(cause ill shoot anyone who tries).
Please try and stay on topic !!!
I think I agree with PR, another time i would try to pull it in a bit.
I really like the luminous people. Very cool.
I do not like Times New Roman (or any variation thereof). In fact, I think I am going to start an anti-Times New Roman movement. Who’s with me!?!
Come to think of it, Comic Sans sux, too. :lol:
As for the whole Christianity thing, well…to each their own.
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