dont get your hopes up… it might not go down all that well
(pun completely unintentional :P)

Kit - That’s truly scary then. However, I have no idea when companies will understand that print is not equal to web, when it comes to design. Those designs don’t observe internet good use policy, nor are well laid out.

Glad your boss sees sense though!

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Why they designing the site then? **
The eCommerce manager decided that she wanted as many people’s ideas as possible, so she got the most eccentric man in the whole building to come up with those monstrosities. :sure:

Asphalt, what are you planning…?

Cello - Agreed. :slight_smile: Still, it makes my job easier. :stuck_out_tongue: Just need to come up with something mindblowingly fantastic, and we’re there… :slight_smile:

Which will be no problem for you… :slight_smile:

:blush: Thank you. :slight_smile:

I’ll post some of my suggestions later, when they’re finished. :slight_smile:

However ugly that site maybe be, there is no denying that he really knows how to use the ‘Drop Shadow’ tool like a chinease master.

Do not even get me started… :stuck_out_tongue:

The guys a ledgend if you ask me… maybe he’s stuck in the early 90’s still, a site like his back then would of been the bee’s knee’s!

If you’d ever met the guy that did these you would understand immediately… He’s… A little eccentric, shall we say? :slight_smile:

do you mean gay? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s one of his many… attributes. He’s very eccentric, talks complete nonsense most of the time and gets paid an absolute mint…

That second one looks like they’ve stuck stickers to the screen and taken a photo, you sure they know how to use a computer?? :smirk:

Kitiara, I will pray for you, so that you will survive this horrific uprising of idiots within your workspace. Pathetic on how such rubishly skilled designers are the ones who make the big bucks.

Tell me about it. :slight_smile:

Still, whatever I eventually come up with, I’m hoping that it’ll look good compared to these. :sure:

I left Soul’s version on my manager’s desk. He thought it was most entertaining, and better than the original. :stuck_out_tongue:

heres an idea for your website navigation lol

lol im sick…

rofl :stuck_out_tongue:

chee-ee, might as well steal kirupas :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats the nature of work. If you want them to realize that the design they made are…well… er… not good, why not tell them in a formal letter. You can also include your own suggestions. Since they hired you to do your type of job that means they trust your abilities in that field. If ever they don’t listen, it only means two things: one is that they didn’t really know why they needed someone like you and two is if it just doesn’t matter. When it is in any of these cases, then I suggest that you go find another employer or better yet be one for yourself. :thumb:

loads gun its here if you need it…