
Well, I promised an update on’s redesign, so here it is.

It’s not my greatest work, but as is the case with most of these things, it’s what Management want… :sure: :stuck_out_tongue:

“ooooooooooooooooooooooh yes!” :thumb:

[size=1]the churchill logo and text on the left looks somewhat truncated… did you cut anything off the bottom? And the navbar at top right… there’s something about the shading (or lack of?) at the bottom which makes it look kinda strange.[/size]

I really like it. I’m also appreciating the lack of gradients fills and drop shadows etc :wink:
it’s considerably better than the nonsense Marketing had mocked-up

Haven’t done anything to either the logo or the strapline, that’s the ‘corporate look’ and I’m not allowed to change them. :sure: I could probably get away with sticking a tiny drop shadow on the dog, just to separate him from that orange bar a little. :slight_smile:

And I’ve no idea what I did to that nav bar either. It was meant ot have just a bit of a bevel on it so it wasn’t looking completely flat… :slight_smile: Pffft, Management will never notice, if they go for this then I’ll re-do it all properly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I carefully avoided the use of gradient fills etc after the last debacle. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lols looks very coperate indeed(good work) except…the dog?(wat the?)…lols

You’re not British, are you? :slight_smile:

The dog is the Churchill Insurance company’s mascot / logo. He has to be there in some way, unfortunately. :slight_smile:

haha, no I’m not :). haha, ok fair enuff, funny logo/mascot i must say

*Originally posted by sonnyz *
**funny logo/mascot i must say **
“ooooooooh nonononononono!” shakes head


:slight_smile: “Would you like to stroke me coat?” :slight_smile:

lool! that is probably the worst one… lol! :thumb:

but I do like this one:

“Are you sucking a sweeet?”
“Well doon’t!”


now that is branding to the max. That **** dog I will never forget now. I am not a brit but what does that dog have to do with the british?

it’s a nodding dog for in a car it talks to much and talks in a deep brit accent and is full of itself : i hate it :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d hate it even more if you had to work here. :slight_smile:

oh sorry btw the layout is nice. The color scheme kinda does not sit rite…the pastel purple and the opaque solid orange. ANy reason you chose those? BUt it is cool. Just being over picky because I have seen your past work. SO I know you abilities :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**now that is branding to the max. That **** dog I will never forget now. I am not a brit but what does that dog have to do with the british? **
oh… I dunno… the fact that he’s a british (triple underline) bulldog? :slight_smile: And anyway, who says it’s got anything to do with the british? It’s just an insurance company :stuck_out_tongue:

British Bulldog = Winston Churchill (both defenders of the British Empire), Winston Churchill = Churchill :slight_smile:

Strikingly similar in looks too! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

oooohhhhhh…My **** buddy here said it was from the old school WWF wrestlers the British Bulldogs they had a lil dog like that when they wrestled.

Hehe, yeah there is that. :stuck_out_tongue: (Nice one Cello :slight_smile: )

The orange, purple etc - those are not my choice. Those are the company colours, and I have to use them. No arguments. I tried to get them to be more flaxible, but they won’t budge.

i like it a lot! think its great. but if you can drop that shaddow then it would be the best! (for the dog) and no paw prints? an improvement indeed!