Ciniema 4D basic tuts

I need some tuts that start with the basics and walk u threw the program. Any body know a good place.

C4d? what happend to maya?

I couldn’t figure otu my last question i posted on it. So i figured i woudl try a differnt 3d app and see if i could catch on to it a little better.

from what i hear C4d is real easy to learn. man i would love to pick it up but with 3dsm its not gonna happen lol

hey sin max is by far the easiest to learn and has the most resources.

BTW is a great reference…

*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**I couldn’t figure otu my last question i posted on it. So i figured i woudl try a differnt 3d app and see if i could catch on to it a little better. **

Hey Sintax . did you check my reply to your thread about extruding faces?

hey sin max is by far the easiest to learn and has the most resources.

It’s the most popular, I’ve used it and I’ll stay with C4D… It’s much more friendly.
Althoug C4D really sucks for modeling…

c4d has exactly what i want. 1 button 4 makin cool stuff…matrix extrude

hehe, true

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
**Althoug C4D really sucks for modeling… **

Hmm…I’ll have to disagree, it might not be as powerful has some of the heavy weights like Maya and Softimage, but it can definitely kick out some nice models if used correctly.

I have seen some kick Arse stuff from 4d but max just has more resources. If I had my wish I would make everyone use lightwave then I would not feel like such a loner.

EEwwwww lightwave, only did one thing in that, particle stroke .

Looked cool, and the particles real time where a nice feature, it was a project i did that my name was being burned in by particles in freestyle handwriting.