Class Structure & Design Patterns for MPRTS game

Hi. I was searching around the forums to see if there was a good tutorial on how to organize classes for a RTS game. I didn’t find any tutorials that really touch on this subject.

Basically I want to desing/develop a Multi-Player Real-Time or Turn-Based strategy game. I have the ideas all sketched out, the development part pretty well planned and I have started a few classes, but I don’t really know how to approach putting all the classes together. I have been reading ‘The OO Thought Process’ by Matt Weisfeld and ‘Essential AS2.0’ by Moock, but I am a little stuck as to where to go after reading about these design patterns:

]Delegation Event Model
[/list]The game will use attack/defend rules much like board-based games i.e. Hero’s Quest or Warhammer 40k. The GUI and basic look/feel will be much like Homeworld 2 or Diablo 2 (top-down or iso, not sure yet). So far I have created the following classes:
[]Unit - represents a soldier (will be inherited by subclasses for more specialized troops) - see uploaded ex.
]UnitMenu - brings up the commands avail to Unit class
[]RangeFinder - GUI class that indicates if certain commands are avail to Unit based on Unit’s range based vars
]Map - (not a class yet) - this will represent the terrain, Units, obstacles and battle events. For an example:
[/list]So given the basic idea of the game, can anyone recommend a good design pattern that would work best. I just don’t know the pros/cons to each design pattern to really start putting it together.

Also if you are interested in working on this with me, email me at