Classes in mx 2004 (new to classes)

hi everyone, Im Nubis, from Argentina.
I´m new to woking whit classes, Im using flash mx 2004 pro.

Ive created a class, that works correctly, it creates a square, a textbox, and uses a variable to pupulate the textbox.
(im sorry for my english)

in my library i have a MC (an empty MC) that is linked to that class.

I use this script to place the clip on the stage
attachMovie(“card”, “card”, 1)
iknow the class works fine, but, I dont know where to pass the parameters to the class.

And if I use : Card = new MyCard("this Card´s Name or label ")
both the clip and the textbox are not created.

could anybody please help me?

thanks in advance :slight_smile:
(feel free to make comments about my code)

this is my class code:
// MyCard
class MyCard extends MovieClip {
var thisCardName:String;
//method for creating the square
function gen_sqr (){
beginFill (0x0099FF, 100);
lineStyle (1, 0x003399, 100);
moveTo (0, 0);
lineTo (100, 0);
lineTo (100, 70);
lineTo (0, 70);
lineTo (0, 0);
//method for generating the textfield
function gen_txt(my_text){
text = my_text;
multiline = true;
html = true;
function MyCard (thisName:String){
//set the name or label for the card
thisCardName = thisName;
trace(“newclass Created”)