*Originally posted by TaylorTAP *
**your referencing the wrong MC. That is the right code now just work it out. I know you can get it. **
Before or after I pull my hair out?
*Originally posted by TaylorTAP *
**your referencing the wrong MC. That is the right code now just work it out. I know you can get it. **
Before or after I pull my hair out?
Oh k. Post your FLa and let me look @ it.
Do you have aim or something? File is too big to upload here and no web space… Try looking at this script
on(release) {
on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("/rollover") {
gotoAndPlay (“rolloff”);
on (rollOut) {
tellTarget ("/rollover") {
gotoAndPlay (“rollon”);
everything else works the telltargets but the name of the MC is Synopsis1 and the instance name is synopsis. IS there anything special I have to do to the MC to have it setup to be played like that? If you could give me your AIM, yahoo, icq or whatever I’d appreciate it. thanks!
Try this.
on(release) {
I do have AIM but I’m @ work right now and we are locked down.
It can’t be this difficult to make it work, still nothing. No syntax errors the button just isn’t doing anything when clicked. IS there anyway you can give me your AIM for when you are at home? I’ll continue to play with though. I have no clue why it isnt working…
“root.Synopsis.mc” is Synopsis the MC name or the MC instance name? I’ve tried both. no success.
it needs to be the instance name, as in:
on(release) {
It will be the instance name. You don’t need that .mc in there. My AIM is The DP 927. I will be on later today.
I think you should try a few tutorials, maybe flash help and lessons, because in my opinion you dont know the basics of flash. :-\
I agree with Claudio. Also, tellTargets are a way of the past. If your using MX then don’t use tell Targets.
lol Im such an idiot I had the MC set to 0% alpha LOL I hate myself.
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*Originally posted by TaylorTAP *
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Indeed, thanks for giving me your AIM I’ll have more questions…trust me ;).
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