Claudio's scroller question; dynamic text?

Edit: The new problem is that i have two instances of the scroller and the bar on the second one jumps to the bar on the first one when you click on it. Also my dynamic text field doesn’t resize correctly.
==========================================================o.k. my main question is how to implement the scroller multiple times in the same mc? I put the scroller inside a movieclip to hold everything, so you would need to duplicate that movieclip and also use a new ‘main’ holder movie clip but there has to be a better way.

Here’s the fla i need to use the scroller for some more link sections:

Should i use one mc for the scroller and somehow set each scroller and use dynamic text to make each one different? Is there a way to set the scroller to use a static text field in the main scroller mc instead of having the ‘main’ instance of the movie clip?
