My mom dropped a cup of coffee in my room the other day and i just noticed that theres a little dot on my screen, nothing big, i can only see it when its against white, but is there any safe what to remove it?
My mom dropped a cup of coffee in my room the other day and i just noticed that theres a little dot on my screen, nothing big, i can only see it when its against white, but is there any safe what to remove it?
Use common sense, just get a wet cloth and gentally rub it.
i tryed a cloth but i wasnt sure if moisture would screw it up. sorry for my stupidity.
[size=6]DONT DO IT AGAIN![/size]
[size=1]Pssst…I didnt know either[/size]
Yeah - you can use a cloth. You may not want to directly spray something like Windex on the screen itself, but you can spray Windex on a cloth and then rub the cloth on the screen. That works well for cleaning up those lines, finger smudges, etc. that occur on the screen
I use alcohol to clean off finger smudges, much more effective.
if it’s an lcd screen they also make a protective gel cleaning substance…
“Allsop Clearview Gel” is what we use here in the office.
I got a polish cleaner combo from the Apple store when i went there its called iKlear and its a great screen polish as well. Gets your screen looking back to normal and it will also clean your case and stuff too. I love it. It comes with wet and dry almost like those handwipe things, use the wet, then the dry, and your all set.
A lot of the time i just pick those spots off with my nail tho, bad i know, but it works.
Ewww…for some reason when you mentioned the word “nail”, I couldn’t help but think about the Salad Fingers guy from the animations here:
And you’re able to read that? Waw :thumb:
[size=1]Okay, bad joke :trout:[/size]
[size=7]lick it!
[size=1]don’t waste good coffee… heeheee ;)[/size]
Haha they’re spelled the same huh?
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