Clear text

How can I create a clear text on a button in Flash MX like this site ?


But I think you mean
yourtextbox = “”;
change yourtextbox to the variable name of the textbox you want to clear!

*Originally posted by dysan_max *
**How can I create a clear text on a button in Flash MX like this site ?
Thanx:-\ **

I think he means how to make the text look crisp and clear like on billz site. If that’s the case then try using a font from this site.

oh lol:P well clear has many meanings!

hehe yeah I wasn’t too sure either, but I hope that’s what he meant. oh well. =)

or you can make your text dynamic instad of static text in flash.

*Originally posted by pinx *
**or you can make your text dynamic instad of static text in flash. **

Welcome to Kirupa pinx, you’re correct about the dynmaic text, it would definitely make the text clearer, but if the viewer does’t have that same font on their comp, then it wouldn’t show up.

You can also embed the font, but chances are that might or might not help depedning on the font you’re using so the best way I know is to use a font made for flash.

yeah i could see how that would be a problem. i went with verdana for text in my site and haven’t had any problems with it.

thank you guys…