Alright…don’t mind me, but to me a stylist is someone who does hair. And what you guys call designer seems to be a Web designer, which is not really a designer in terms of graphic design. I was referring to graphic art/design.
I know you guys are all Web folks, and I respect that, but I couldn’t take it anymore HAHHAHHA…every time I read stylist I was thinking of the girl that does my hair, or the people who work in Hollywood who do makeovers.
So let me be a smartass and post some terms:
What you guys call Web designer I call Web developer.
But here we go…some more terms…
All **Web design ** and print design can basically can go under the general term Communication Design
Most Web Design has nothing to do with Graphic Design, and rather is Information Design, which has to do as the name says designing information, communicating information…road signs, the maps in malls the listing in airports etc etc, and Web sites are most often that, except they include one other factor, which is the Interaction Design, who they get to the information.
I was talking about graphic design styles on the Web…so basically about the creative aspect…about creative freedom and expression…you guys should not mix those things, because I am not talking about commercial work, I am talking about artistic expression.
Well you can choose to make up your own definitions to terms, but I’m going by the definitions given to me, by both books writen on the subject, and my fiance who is well educated in the field. So in the end, if you’re going to ask why people are being cliquish, it’s probebly a good idea to know that you and they are on different pages with regard to what words mean.
I think it helps if a designer has a good knowledge of the programming work involved behind sites.
I’ve met a couple of these designers who came up with beautiful designs for a website, that simply couldn’t be physically coded. They got all arsey when it was pointed out that it just wasn’t possible, plus even if it were, no-one would be able to find their way around it anyway. :sigh:
And I’m not going to tackle the difference between designers and stylists. I think they all take a piece of the other anyway…
I’m with you there Kit. Often the jobs do intermingle, especially in smaller firms where they simply can’t afford a lead designer or an art director.
The problem between programmers and designers will never be solved. Artists dream big, that’s why they are artists. Programmers are pragmatic, and understand the limits that they must impose upon the rest of the group.
David I am not going into this one. Obviously your information is Web centric. But if you work in the traditional world then those above mentions terms are the terms that are used. I worked in advertising agencies as Art Director, so I think I know a little bit what I am talking about. But hey don’t take my word for it.
Anyways this seems to be heading towards pointlessville…you think whatever makes you happy, but I don’t just MAKE UP words…thank you very much.
I think by now anything that those guys wanted… Could probably be done… I’m one of those creative programmers… I’ll sit and work on those hard to get programs and try and get the artists’s design in there as much as possible… The only thing stopping me is bandwith… hehe… Gotta keep it low or people will be loading too much.
But I mainly agree with what kit has said… And Web Developer? YEah… Web Artist, Web Developer, Web programmer, Web Designer, Web Stylist, and etc… etc… There are way too many words to describe it all… So I typically go for the. Computer Programmer.
Thanks Phil…I know what you mean thats why I used to hate forums…but its really not nessecary for David to explain and reply. I was just a little ticked, but that’s it. Lets just leave it at that. Don’t worry, I don’t dislike David, has nothing to do with that…but as you know, you can be mad at friends as well.