Clumping things together

I have these movieclips on stage, called Seekers. What I’m trying to do is say “If these Seekers touch each other, they should clump together” Now, I have them in a larger array with other elements and also their own array.

What I tried to do was have a loop nested in a loop of two different indexes.

public function checkSmash()
            var c = 0;
            var n = 0;

            while (c<seekerList.length)
                if (seekerList[c] is Seeker)
                    while (n<seekerList.length)

                        if (seekerList[c].hitTestObject(seekerList[n])
                            //I don't know.


My problem is this:
I don’t know how to express the “clump together” part of it.
I don’t think my double loop will work right. It would act twice for each Seeker whereas I only want it to act once.

If anyone could help me out that would be great. Thanks.