I have 2 for loops. Only one seems to get called. the first for loop is supposed to duplicate a movieclip onto the stage, and those movie clips when rolled over/out/clicked will tell another series of duplicated movieclips to do stuff.
the second for loop is for the actual movieclips that are suppose to do stuff…
so basically, my boss, wants to have it so that when you roll over the small thumbnail image, a panel comes in and displays text, and when you roll off the thumbnail the panel goes away. i can make it so that when you rollover the thumbnail the panel comes in, but once the panel is in it becomes part of the thumbnail movieclip’s hitarea (because it’s inside that mc).
I thought that if i add another loop that does basically the same thing as the other loop except it also has the button actions, that it’ll do what is required of it, but it obviously doesn’t.
for (var j = 0; j<bunch.length; j++) {
var lotsofcrap = crap.duplicateMovieClip("crap"+j, j);
lotsofcrap._x = xpos+(wclip+hspace)*(j%columns);
lotsofcrap._y = ypos+(hclip+vspace)*Math.floor(j/columns);
lotsofcrap.onRollOver = function(){
lotsofcrap.onRollOut = function(){
for (var i = 0; i<rows; i++) {
var thematrix = smile.duplicateMovieClip("smile"+i, i);
var thebutton = thematrix.invis_button;
var thumbHolder = thematrix.image_mc_container.image_mc;
var largeHolder = thematrix.large_image_mc;
var bodytext = thematrix.body_text_mc;
var title = thematrix.image_mc_container.txt_mc;
picHolder = this.firstChild.childNodes*;
bodytext.body_text.text = picHolder.attributes.body;
title.txt.text = picHolder.attributes.title;
thematrix._x = xpos+(wclip+hspace)*(i%columns);
thematrix._y = ypos+(hclip+vspace)*Math.floor(i/columns);
If anyone knows a better way of doing this I am all ears. Please someone help me with this. I know I’ve been asking for help a lot the past few days, but I am in serious need of help, and seeing as it’s the holidays soon