Clutterd Mind

Made this really quick

Any comments? What do you think?

i like it. kick ***

different style ! I like style
Have you made it in photoshop?

Thaks edwin. Glad u liked it

Rohini ya it is all photoshop


Very cool! Good combination of colours!
How did u do it?

thats pretty mental sintax… very busy indeed. it looks like a CD cover to me.

for some heavy band.

the purple feel to its nice and gives it some kind of stronger mood. have you tried to give it a different colour other than the purple. Say light blue (cos everyone seems to like that colour) if you changed it to that it would give it a complete different feel…

but good work.

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**thats pretty mental sintax… very busy indeed. it looks like a CD cover to me.

for some heavy band.

the purple feel to its nice and gives it some kind of stronger mood. have you tried to give it a different colour other than the purple. Say light blue (cos everyone seems to like that colour) if you changed it to that it would give it a complete different feel…

but good work. **


The main eason it is purple is the fact that the main pic i started with was mostly purple. I could try a color adjiustment and see what happens. I kind of left it purple becuase it is not commenly used. It used to be actualy relly bright purple but i washed it out a bit to make it less harsh.

Good comments and suggestions guys. Thanks alot:)


sin… i knew you were good, but i didn´t knew you´re that good.
your last works have really surprized me.

Great Job dude! :A+:

this is fantastic sintax! I like the difference in styles a lot from your
other stuff. Makes we want to do more and get better!

Nice one here. =)

an inspiration to all… :slight_smile:


Hey sin, question: How do you get those pimp lines all over the place? You have them in your footer too.

i persume he used a grunge style brush.

but im sure he’ll tell when all when hes next on…

thats not a brush…

wow man, this is awsome.!!! keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

kinda bright at the top and colorfuls but I wish I could do that! Nice!

those scratch lines are created with brushes and images layerd with differnt layer settings.